Monday, November 28, 2011

Help One Individual Find A Job

Problems may be global, but solutions are local, starting with one individual.   Right now, our major global problem is unemployment.  A solution is for each individual reading this email to help one individual find a job.
1. Reach out to one individual to help him or her find a job.
2. Coach, mentor, inspire and offer to help for as long as it takes for them to find a job.
3. If you can offer someone any work, do so, even if it’s part-time, or a “low-pay” internship to get them started.
4. Remember what it was like for you when you were out of work—what help would you have liked?
5. Send any suggestions to me that you may have on how to address the unemployment problem and I will post them on my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Coach Rob:

    From an employer’s perspective:
    -Individually prepare your resume and cover letter – we don’t review “shotgun” resumes
    -Make sure it is mistake free – any resume/cover letters that have words mis-spelled go into the C pile
    -Be prepared to accept a lesser than desired starting pay, be prepared to work hard and smart, show why it was smart to hire you
    -Tell the interviewer what you can do for the company
    -Refrain from asking about benefits in the first interview
    -Wear appropriate clothing
    -Turn your cell phone off

    We have openings for two positions in the education field….it will be interesting to check the field of candidates.

    Sandy Rupp
