Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Important Task Have You Been Putting Off?

We all do it. While we think we are busy doing “Must do activities,” we are putting off dealing with something really important. Often, it’s not a work related task. It may have to do with health, key relationships or finances. This week identify an important task you may be putting off. Here are a few tips on how to get to what you have been avoiding:
  1. First determine what it is. Maybe you’ve forgotten, so you may need to ask your friends, family or coworker to remind you.
  2. Write down what it is you have to do and tape it to your mirror.
  3. If it’s complicated, do the first step. For example if you have to call an old friend who’s been ill, look up his or her phone number and write that down.
  4. Assign yourself a deadline and share your commitment with someone else.
  5. If you’re still avoiding doing the task, put off doing something you like, such as watching your favorite tv show, until you have done the task you have been avoiding.

Coach Rob

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  1. The purpose this Women Executive Coaching is to guide all women to become more successful on there career and business and achieving there goals.

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