Monday, September 10, 2012

Leadership Lessons From the Maestros of Autumn

September: Baseball ends in a flurry; football kicks off in a rush; the art season commences in a    flourish. What leadership qualities do football coaches,  baseball managers and symphony        conductors have in common?
1. All have to take a group of individual prodigies and blend them into a cohesive team, which wins and loses as a whole.
2. All have to calculate the odds and take risks: no risks, no glory.
3. All have to operate within the glare of the spot-light.
4. All will be second guessed by Monday morning quarterback/critics who know more than they do.
5. All win some, lose some, and “hopefully” wake up Monday morning to start all over again.

What lessons have you learned from the maestros of pigskin, hardball and melody?

Coach Rob

1 comment:

  1. Effective Leadership in any organization is vitally important in today's working environment

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