Monday, January 16, 2012

Setting Expectations

We carry within ourselves two minds. One is a present mind and the other is a future mind.  We often gravitate toward the future mind which is the part of ourselves that sets expectations. While these expectations can be too high, too low, or just right, inaccurate expectations can be a major source of unhappiness. So what can we do to better manage our expectations? Here are a few suggestions:
1. To avoid being your own worse enemy, don’t  expect more from others than you expect from yourself.
2. Learn and repeat often the “Serenity Prayer.”
3. Expect the unexpected from other people.
4. Much like ourselves, other people are imperfect human beings, prone to mistakes, moods, and misunderstandings. If you expect others to be even and consistent in their temperament, you’re likely to be disappointed.
5. Take a good look at what you worry about. Now ask yourself, how often has what I have been worried about come true? So, then why are you spending so much time worrying?
6. Rely on yourself for affirmation rather than depending on   positive strokes from others.
7. Cherish the past, dream the future, but enjoy the present   moment. After all, as they say, isn’t that why they call it “the present”?
8. My dear friend, Jo Ann Allen, who died unexpectedly at age 70, used to remind me of her favorite joke “How do you make God laugh?” answer, “tell her your plans”....
I’m interested in hearing your suggestions for managing expectations. Please join the conversation here or on my Facebook page. 

Coach Rob

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