Monday, October 15, 2012

Why You Should Always Be Thinking About Your Next Job

Some of my clients are happy with what they are doing.  Some are not. In either case, they know that in today’s economy, job uncertainty is a constant companion. While they know they should be always thinking about their next job, somehow they never find the time to “get around to it.” They are too busy with their current job to plan what they want to do next. Here are some tips for planning your next job when you are so consumed with your current job.
  1. Create a file, notebook or list where you post your thoughts, questions or resources about what you might do next.
  2. Schedule conversations with friends or family about your next steps.
  3. Have casual conversations with people who might be connections for your next job.
  4. Consult a career coach.
  5. Devote some days off to do networking and thinking about your next steps.
  6. Do some contingency planning: if you were let go tomorrow, what would you do? How much of this can you do now?

 I will be presenting on “Finding Your Occupational Sweet Spot” at the December CEO Connect.

Coach Rob Pasick

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