Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting Important Things Done

Recently, the most frequent pressing problem I am seeing with my coaching clients is “Too much to do, too little time.”  In today’s world it is not uncommon to be rewarded for doing well in one role by being given an additional roles, usually with no additional resources provided.

The problem makes me ponder: In these difficult times, what can a leader do to get important things done?
One tip: Instead of setting several goals at a time, set one goal and work on it until you get it done.  Research as described in the book Willpower1, indicates that our mind does not work
effectively if we focus on more than one goal at a time.  So, here are a few coaching tips:
1. Set only a few big monthly goals (daily or even weekly is too short a time)
2. Every day work on one piece of the “big goal”.  Start early when you are fresh and every day put some concentrated effort into making progress on the goal.
3. Don’t multi-task while working on this goal. 
4. The same holds true for family and personal goals.  Select only one in each category each month.

Please feel free to share any ideas you have on “getting important things done”.  

Coach Rob

1 Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength  by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney available at


  1. I always make sure that I'm not beating myself up if I miss my goal. Each day is a new day and I get another chance to succeed.

    I also find that keeping a list of little accomplishments is helpful. You need to be able to look back at what you have done just as much as you need to make goals to do something.

  2. My goal now Anya, is to come get one of the best cappuccinos you make so well.
